Laboratory Services


Point of care testing

I love point of care testing. It makes being a provider so much easier and clients like having answers right away. I’ve worked with different point of care tests

HIV AB Testing: Alere Determine, OraQuick HIV, BioLytical Insti, Chembio Stat-Pak, Bio-Rad Geenius

Hep C AB Testing: OraQuick HCV

Metabolic Panel: Abaxis Piccolo

Sexual Health: BD Rapid RPR, OSOM BV Blue, OSOM Trich

I never got to touch these devices but I’ve researched them and was eagerly finding ways to implement: Cepheid GeneXpert, Gold Diagnostics AIX-1000, and the BD FacsPresto CD4


Moderate Complexity Laboratory license

Point of care testing can help a provider make a diagnosis much faster but not all test are clia-waived. Upgrading your laboratory to a moderate complexity lab can unlock even more point of care diagnostics to improve your client care.

It’s a lot of paper work and requires some patience. You also have to develop a strong quality assurance program. It’s all very doable but you may need additional staff and additional funding to get a moderate complexity license.

My background and experience allows me to serve as a Technical Consultant for a Moderate Complexity Lab and I can easily help you set up your own lab service.